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  • Prereq: Allied MCV
  • Armor: Concrete
  • Cost: N/A
  • Purpose: Base Construction

The heart of any Allied base, the construction yard serves as the construction point for all of their structures. Be it for tech tree progression or defenses, the construction yard has and produces the materials for them all. As such, this structure holds high importance for maintaining a battlefield presence. As such, this structure has had its armor doubled to better protect it from enemy assault.
Graphical Enhancement: The Construction Yard causes a screen shake when destroyed.

  • Prereq: Construction Yard
  • Armor: Wood
  • Cost: 800
  • Purpose: Power Production

The power plant is the Allied solution for producing and maintaining their bases' power supply. As nearly all structures rely on this to function correctly, protecting these is a valuable investment. However, the main problem surrounding them was not durability bust cost efficiency. The Allied plant costs 200 credits more than their Soviet counterpart for a mere 50 additional power units? Criminally inefficient, the Allies retuned their power plant and it produces 25 percent more power units per structure at no cost increase.
Graphical Enhancement: Restored an unused destruction animation.

  • Prereq: Power Plant
  • Armor: Wood
  • Cost: 2000
  • Purpose: Income Production

The ore refinery continues to function as the earliest means of income production. While the structure itself does not produce the income, the miners that dock to unload the ore do provide the economy. As always, the structure comes with a miner when constructed. However, no major changes have taken place except its ability to be placed further away from base structures to be constructed closer to ore deposits.
Graphical Enhancement: Uses its prerelease image, and emits yellow smoke when ore is deposited and when damaged.
Gameplay Enhancement: Violently explodes upon being destroyed and scatters ore about the battlefield.

  • Prereq: Power Plant
  • Armor: Wood
  • Cost: 500
  • Purpose: Infantry Training

Not gaudy like the Soviet variant, the Allied barracks is the training ground for all of their infantry forces. Little has changed with the function or how it performs. The only real change is the switch from steel armor to wood armor.
Graphical Enhancement: Uses its prerelease image.

  • Prereq: Power Plant, Barracks, Ore Refinery
  • Armor: Wood
  • Cost: 2000
  • Purpose: Vehicle & Helicopter Construction

The War Factory, mainstay of any forward base. This factory continues to serve as the construction point for all Allied vehicles, and their helicopters as well. Since the war factory serves its function so well, no changes have been made to this structure.
Graphical Enhancement: Uses its prerelease image.

  • Prereq: Power Plant, Ore Refinery
  • Armor: Steel
  • Cost: 1000
  • Purpose: Radar | Aircraft Construction

The Airforce Command HQ serves as the radar station for Allied forces, and also allows for the construction of their traditional aircraft. Since the structure efficiently fulfills both of its roles, no changes were ordered to it for the sole exception of the American variant; the American side no longer has its own version of the HQ, but instead has an expansion plug to provide paratroopers.
Gameplay Enhancement: In-game string now reads 'AFC HQ'.

  • Prereq: Airforce Command HQ
  • Armor: Steel
  • Cost: 500
  • Purpose: Aircraft Landing Space

Rather than duplicating radar equipment when new pads were needed for additional airforce space, the Allies removed the equipment to just the pad itself. The new Airpad provides an additional four landing spaces and each pad provides the same rearming equipment as the AFC HQ. However, the AFC HQ is still required for the technology to actually construct new planes.

  • Prereq: Power Plant, Barracks, Ore Refinery
  • Armor: Concrete
  • Cost: 1000
  • Purpose: Ship Construction | Ship Repair

The Allied Shipyard is the naval equivalent of the War Factory. The Allies' naval forces are all produced from here. As with many Allied structures, the Shipyard performs its function to perfection so no changes have been made to this structure.

  • Prereq: War Factory
  • Armor: Wood
  • Cost: 800
  • Purpose: Vehicle Repair

When defenses and budgets are tight, the Reapir Depot services damaged vehicles, repairing them to a fully reconditioned state. This saves the cost of producing another of the vehicle, or a more expensive one. Additionally, the Repair Depot is able to remove the Terror Drone parasite, sparing the vehicle from certain destruction.
Gamplay Enhancement: Cameo and in-game string read 'Repair Depot' to distinguish it from the Soviet variant.

  • Prereq: War Factory, Aiforce Command HQ
  • Armor: Concrete
  • Cost: 2000
  • Purpose: Technological Advancement

The towering Battle Lab provides access to that high-tech weaponry that makes the Allied forces so potent. Being that this structure holds vital importance for upkeep in technology, the armor rating has been improved from wood materials to concrete to better protect it while under attack.

  • Prereq: Battle Lab, Ore Refinery
  • Armor: Wood
  • Cost: 2500
  • Purpose: Resource Purification

The Ore Purifier is a heavy investment, but it is a worthwhile investment. When ore is limited or tight, the Purifier is able to make the difference between affording that tank or being forced to wait on another bale. The cost ratio is quite good, as the Purifier is able to recoup its heavy cost in short order, even more so now! The ratio of additional funds from smelted ore has increased from twenty-five percent to an astounding FORTY percent.
Graphical Enhancement: Releases smoke from the smoke stack when built and emits yellow smoke when damaged.
Gameplay Enhancement: Explodes violently and scatters ore when destroyed.