Yuris Revenge: Zero Hour



This is the team page, all of them are responsible for making this mod alive.

Name: genobreaker
Jobs: Mod leader, INI coding, webmaster, etc...
E-Mail: genobreaker_exile[at]yahoo[dot]com
Location: Philippines

Name: PointZero
Jobs: Lead Testers, Researcher
E-mail: miguel_dimaano[at]yahoo[dot]com
Location: Philippines

Name: Misthero
Jobs: Lead Testers, Researcher, Web Content
E-mail: nuclearmaster_misthero[at]yahoo[dot]com
Location: Philippines


The hardworking beta testers to look for bugs in the mod. Honoured also as part of the mod staff
Page under construction
this area is for mod beta testers

The Hour is Now! Theme
Yuri's Revenge: Zero Hour is a Part of Freedom Studios/EMP mods.
Site Best Viewed 1024x768, Cross Browser. PNG Alpha Transparency used.
Yuri's Revenge: Zero Hour is copyright 2005.
Nothing may be copied from Yuri's Revenge: Zero Hour without the permission of the Webmaster.
Layout by genobreaker.
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