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- Prereq: Barracks
- Armor: None
- Cost: 200
- Weapon: M60 Machine Pistol | Para Machine Gun
- Range: Short | Medium
- Purpose: Anti-Infantry | Urban Combar
The GI is the Allies basic grunt, and only infantry capable of barricading themselves inside of a structure to form a garrison. His ability remains the same and is able to mow through infantry quite effectively, especially when deployed. However, his weapons have changed considerably and no longer as they as potent against armored vehicles and structures.
- Prereq: Barracks
- Armor: None
- Cost: 400
- Weapon: M60 Machine Pistol | Missile Launcher
- Range: Short | Medium-Long
- Purpose: Anti-Armor | Anti-Aircraft
A newer addition to the Allied army, the Guardian GI is an anti-tank version of the
venerable GI. While he carries the same pistol, his deployed weapon is a powerful missile
launcher. His missiles are fully capable of reducing even the heaviest armor to pure scrap
within seconds. However, the original launcher had serious flaws, preventing the missiles
from tracking very well; even the missile's explosive capacity was subpar. These have all
been corrected so now, missiles track faster, do noticeable damage to structures and are
marginally more effective on infantry targets.
Version Differences: The RA2 GGI is able to be crushed when deployed, whereas the YR
version cannot.
Graphical Enhancement: Fires red-trailed missiles when elite.
Audio Enhancement: Utilizes unused voices when ordered to deploy.
- Prereq: Barracks
- Armor: None
- Cost: 600
- Weapon: Medical Kits
- Range: Very Short
- Purpose: Infantry Support
The ever useful Field Medic reprises his role once again. As with before, his purpose is to support infantry groups in combat or defending an outpost. Just one Medic is very effective at healing injured forces, so adding a second is sure to keep infantry healthy and combat ready. As this infantry is medical personnel, he heals himself over time.
- Prereq: Barracks
- Armor: None
- Cost: 200
- Weapon: Sharp Teeth
- Range: Very Short
- Purpose: Anti-Infantry | Anti-Spy | Scouting
Loyal, faithful companions always, the Allied Attack Dog is as vicious as he is effective. While a handful are able to chew through infantry, their more useful function is sniffing out, and killing, espionage units. The German Shepherds the Allies train are a bit faster than their Soviet counterpart.
- Prereq: Barracks
- Armor: None
- Cost: 200
- Weapon: Defuse Kits
- Range: Very Short
- Purpose: Surgical Strikes
The ever useful Engineer; he continues to provide the opportunity to capture civilian tech
structures, and to capture enemy structures to gain their technology or slow them down by
selling the captured structures. With the new training, the Engineering squads are able to
defuse Ivan's ticking presents, keeping affected structures in tact.
Graphical Enhancement: Now has a unique image and build cameo.
- Prereq: Barracks, Airforce Command HQ
- Armor: Flak
- Cost: 1000
- Weapon: MP5 Machine Gun | C4 Charges
- Range: Medium | Very Short
- Purpose: Anti-Infantry | Base Demolition
The Navy SEAL is another newer addition to the Allied army who had been seen in missions previously. The SEAL is very adept at dispatching infantry and leveling bases with his C4 charges. Despite initial effectiveness, he was often left defenseless in many battles. As such, his MP5 machine gun's rounds have been upgraded so he is now on par with the GI in terms of damage against vehicles. His C4 was also altered in such a way that it destroyed structures faster but this hampered his ability to use the charges on ships and bridges.
- Prereq: Barracks, Airforce Command HQ
- Armor: None
- Cost: 600
- Weapon: 20mm Cannons
- Range: Medium
- Purpose: Scouting | Anti-Infantry | Anti-Aircraft
The Rocketeer is a high-flying infantry. He is extremely fast and has a sight radius matched only by the Allies Attack Dog. His weapon, a 20mm Cannon, is an efficient infantry killer and has enough potential to destroy lightly armored vehicles. However, the Rocketeer is far from perfect and as such, he has been improved in two main areas: climbing speed and weapon systems. His forward movement is excellent, but his climbing and descent left much to be desired. So, Allied specialists redid the thrusters so that he is able to better control his up and down movements! And while his weapon was already very good, it was improved slightly. The targeting a small bit more precise so damage to armored targets went up by a small margin, allowing the Rocketeer to down aircraft and helicopters much more effectively.
- Prereq: Barracks, Airforce Command HQ
- Armor: Flak
- Cost: 800
- Weapon: Comet Minipak
- Range: Medium-Long
- Purpose: Prism-Based Assault
A brand new addition to the Allied army not seen before. The Assaulter is like an equivalent to the Soviet Tesla Trooper, but instead of being an anti-tank trooper, he is a light siege troop. The Assaulter's weapon is a scaled down variant of the Prism Tank's Comet weapon. However, it is not quite as potent and does not frag as much as the tank-based version.
- Prereq: Barracks, Battle Lab
- Armor: Flak
- Cost: 1000
- Weapon: Disguise Kits
- Range: Map
- Purpose: Espionage
The Spy was the first espionage unit used in battle. While he remains very effective at what he does, the Soviets have begun training their own espionage unit, as well. The Allied Spy retains the disguise kit that has become very familiar, but his armor vest has been improved so he is able to take more shots from enemy fire. Just one dog is more than enough to take him down, however. He retains the same abilities as before and no new abilities have been added.
- Prereq: Barracks, Battle Lab
- Armor: Flak
- Cost: 1500
- Weapon: Neutron Rifle
- Range: Medium
- Purpose: Sneak Attacks | Crate Gathering
The Chrono Legionnaire's tech is a stunning work of art. Einstein outdid himself yet again
when he and his team developed the 'Chronopak.' This pak allows the wearer to zip about the
battlefield without walking, just like the effect of the larger Chronoshift superweapon.
However, unlike the Chronoshift, there is a delay timer for 'phasing in' after a jump. The
larger the distance, the longer the delay.
The second impressive technological jump is the weapon: the Neutron Rifle. This works
as sort of a reverse shift. Rather than moving the target, it displaces it out of time and
space completely! The time it takes for a target to be displaced out has been reduced and
it is reduced even further at elite. However, a problem revealed itself wherein a Chrono
Legionnaire would lose the ability to fire through walls when promoted to elite status.
This has since been corrected.
- Prereq: Barracks, Battle Lab
- Armor: Plate
- Cost: 1500
- Weapon: Colt .45s | C4 Charges
- Range: Long | Short
- Purpose: Anti-Infantry | Anti-Tank | Base Demolition
Tanya is the Allies long-standing commando unit. And she's quite adept at the role. Her Colt .45s are devastating against enemy infantry and Terror Drones, plowing through nearly all of them in just one shot. Her C4 charges are still devastating against structures, and now tanks as well. However, her tank C4 ability left much to be desired since there was a long delay between planting charges. Tanya went through some additional rigorous training and she is able to plant C4 on tanks much faster than before. In addition to her C4 training, she has also seen more training for her naval combat ability as well. She is able to detect submerged units in a larger radius, though it is still no match for the sensor ability on Destroyers and the keen sense of Dolphins.
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